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Honda Vehicle Spotlight: 2017 Honda Civic
2017 Honda Civic
With ten generations under its belt, it’s hard to imagine the classic Honda Civic can continue to evolve as one of the best selling compact cars. Honda has managed to do that, however, throughout the Civics 44-year run. The 2017 Honda Civic has that classic Honda compact that generations have loved, but now it returns with improved safety features, unbeatable fuel economy and even more room thanks to the return of the hatchback! The Civic now has an edgy, sporty exterior to it while the interior keeps a tame and clean look making the infotainment system easier to navigate. Although a compact, the Civic is wider and longer than it ever has been. Don’t be worried though, it’s also lighter than it ever has been providing a sportier, easier drive. Whether consumers crave safety, comfort, style or fuel economy, the 2017 Honda Civic provides all of that and continually has for 10 generations. Stop by to test drive one and see for yourself why critics are calling the 2017 Honda Civic an automobile all-star!

Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning
It’s that time of year again- Spring Cleaning. Most people keep it simple by changing sheets, mopping floors or cleaning out fridges, but there are tons of small spaces all over homes that most homeowners forget about. For instance, dusting light bulbs. These small glass fixtures are often overlooked, so make sure to unscrew the bulbs then polish and dust them with a microfiber cloth. Another often forgotten cleaning basic is to wash blinds and air vents. Both of these surfaces are magnets for dust, take special note in the material of blinds and vents because they will require different cleaning solutions. For wooden blinds, simply use a few drops of gentle wood cleaner on a damp rag. For aluminum blinds or vents feel free to be tougher and scrub them with water, just be sure to dry any aluminum materials very well to prevent rust. Finally, show your dishwasher extra care this spring. You may assume that since this handy appliance spends all its time cleaning dirty dishes, that it cleans itself as well, sadly it’s quite the contrary. Dishwasher drains can clog quickly, so make sure to remove the bottom dish rack, inspect the drain and remove any buildup. Get the dishwasher really sparkling by placing one cup of white vinegar in a dishwasher safe container on the upper rack and run the washer through a hot-water cycle, this will wipe away any grease buildup and provide a fresh smell. Happy cleaning!

Beware of pothole season
Car in huge pothole
Although Spring is a beautiful season in Chicago, it also means the beginning of pothole season. Chicagoland is infamous for the ruthless and never ending amount of potholes that show up at the end of winter. Potholes come in all shapes, sizes and depths, but no matter the size, driving through them can cause serious damage to your vehicle. Running over potholes can cause bulges on tire sidewalls, dent rims, shred undercarriages causing fluid leaks or rust, or even cause alignment damage. In order to best protect your vehicle this Spring, make sure your tires are all properly inflated. Make sure to never swerve to avoid a pothole, this causes a threat to you and other drivers. If you are fortunate to see a pothole before hitting it, slow down but don’t brake directly over it, this can damage your car as well. Make sure to keep both hands on the wheel and hold firmly when driving in an area riddled with potholes. Also be weary of potholes that may be hiding under water!

Timing Belt Replacement
timing belt parts
Unfortunately, the timing belt of a vehicle is often overlooked and when its time to replace one it can be costly. Drivers may think the high price of a timing belt may be a scam, however, this belt is an extremely integral part of the engine. Timing belts give almost no indication of when it’s time to replace them until they are almost completely broken. Some mechanics suggest replacing it every 60,000 to 100,000 miles, but this varies on the year, make and model of a car. If the timing belt itself has any visible cracks or looks frail, it’s definitely time to replace it. If the engine stalls, produces a rattling noise or completely gives out, odds are it’s due to the timing belt. If you are worried about your own timing belt, check the mileage of your vehicle and then visit your mechanic. Remember that timing belts are essential for your vehicle to run therefore, replacing one isn’t an option and sadly it isn’t cheap either.

Spring Break Staycations
staycation sign
For most schools, spring break is right around the corner. If you don’t have a vacation already planned, don’t worry! There are tons of "staycation" ideas that will keep you and your children feeling like you’re really on a great family trip. Why not get back in touch with nature? Weather permitting of course, backyard or even living room camping is a great way to get your kids off of technology for a bit and spend time as a family pitching a tent, grilling and making s’mores. You’d be surprised how many camp activities you can still do within the comforts of your home or backyard. If you’re dying to get out of the house, play tourist in Chicago. With plenty of events, museums and restaurants there is a TON to keep you and your kids entertained all week. Wishing you were on an exotic island somewhere? Find fun, exotic recipes to make at home, or for something even easier, try ordering out from a different restaurant. Enjoy your exotic meal by watching a movie that takes place in that specific region. There are plenty of fun things to do at home as a family, and even more events and places to see right in Chicago. Have a happy and fun spring break!

©2016, McGrath Honda in Elgin. 2020 N. Randall Rd. Elgin, IL 60123. 847-695-8000